This is the primary location for all information and application forms related to F-1 international student visa benefits and status maintenance.
Information found on this page will also be helpful to international students currently under other visa types who are interested in changes to F-1 visa status at some point.
Advisor name and location: (Assigned students are based on the first letters of the last name/family name) |
Student last name starts with: |
April Cochran, WDE 1800 | A - Cheo |
Ramsha Akhtar, MIC | Chep - Guru |
Cord Cochran, WDE 1800 | Gurv - Kund |
Becky Leevey, MIC | Kune - Nx |
Jeffrey Couch, MIC | Ny - Sg |
Heather Fernquist, WDE 1800 | Sh - Z |
International Student ServicesContactInternational Student Services |
Academic & Enrollment
Student Life & Services
Meet with an International
Student Advisor
Questions received via email are responded to on a daily basis during regular business hours. -
To meet with an International Student Advisor please stop by thefront desk at the MIC – Lee’s Summit or contact to request an appointment time.
ISS Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8 am - 5 pm
Optional Practical Training (OPT)